
Showing posts from August, 2020

Social Phish for Hacking Instagram or Facebook Account

 Social Phish for Hacking Instagram or Facebook Account   Here we will see how we can hack Instagram or Facebook account using Social Phish on Kali linux .   Requirments  1. Kali Linux installed system 2. Victim  3. A little bit social-engineering. Step 1 Open terminal on your kali-linux and type the following commands: a). git clone  (To get socialphish on your machine)   b). cd SocialPhish (change the directory to socialphish)   c). chmod +x (To change permission)   d). ./ (To launch the programe)   Once you type in the above mentioned commands you will see this on your screen.   Now we need to choose any option lets say 01 or 02. We can choose any mentioned in the list. Here I will select Instagram and I will mention 01.   Once we select we will get the following 2 options. 1. 2. Ngrok  Now select 02 and press enter and once you type in 02 and press enter it will download Ngrok. It  will provide 2 link