Social Phish for Hacking Instagram or Facebook Account

 Social Phish for Hacking Instagram or Facebook Account


Here we will see how we can hack Instagram or Facebook account using Social Phish on Kali linux.



1. Kali Linux installed system

2. Victim 

3. A little bit social-engineering.

Step 1

Open terminal on your kali-linux and type the following commands:

a). git clone 

(To get socialphish on your machine)


b). cd SocialPhish

(change the directory to socialphish)


c). chmod +x

(To change permission)


d). ./

(To launch the programe)


Once you type in the above mentioned commands you will see this on your screen.


Now we need to choose any option lets say 01 or 02. We can choose any mentioned in the list.

Here I will select Instagram and I will mention 01.


Once we select we will get the following 2 options.


2. Ngrok 

Now select 02 and press enter and once you type in 02 and press enter it will download Ngrok. It  will provide 2 links. You can send the first link to the victim using social engineering.

Once the victim clicks your link you will get some details of the victim like his host name, country etc. It will look like the following on your screen and the victim will get our fake Instagram login page.

Now be patient and wait for the victim to click the link and enter the credentials of his Instagram account. Once he click on our link and enter the credentials we will get the entered credentials on our terminal window like in the image bellow.

Boom! Now we have the log in details of the victim and have access to his Instagram account.

Now its revenge time (Just joking) 👿.

The success of this method will depend on how well you can convenience the victim to click our generated link. You can use his interest.

If the person like quotes or other thing you can send the link to him/ her saying:

Hey check out a page on Instagram with nice deep meaning quotes.


You can use your knowledge of the victim and I suggest you to do some research about the victim to know his interests and his/ her likes.


This is for educational purpose only and do not use this for illegal purpose. Increase your knowledge and use it wisely.


Think Twice and act wise.






  1. Well explained. Thanks for the info

  2. Talk of a devil 😈 and devil is here , you made it easy for me too😅😅, please share more blog for fun not for revenge

  3. Explanation provided very deeply. I really like this blog page and post.


  4. Very nice and easily understandable
    Keep going....

  5. Very nice and easily understandable
    Keep going....

  6. Nicely presented good work..

  7. Nicely explained, easy very easy

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