
Fixing old slow PC or laptop with Chrome OS Hi All, If you have an old laptop or PC which is too slow and takes too much time starting up, get very slow while using or you want to have an old laptop which you want to give to your kids which they can use. All we need is these things: Laptop or PC. Pendrive 8 GB or greater. Internet connection. Little bit patience.  Step 1 Go to  Neverware Website  and click on download the USB maker: Once you click on download it will start downloading the setup  and you can go to download folder and check the cloudready-usb-maker (It will be around 45 MB). Step 2 Plug in your pendrive and run the downloaded file as administrator , you will get the installation pop-up like this: Click on next and it will show you pendrive, Select it and proceed you will then receive this screen and once it is done starts the next step. Step 3 On this is done you will receive the next screen which will take some time 10-20 minutes, Have to just sit there and wait till th

Hacking Instagram using Brutesploit

  Hacking Instagram using Brutesploit   (Brute force attack) In this tutorial we will see how we can hack an Instagram account using Brutesploit, This will be brute force attack, In simple terms we will try different password and hope we get the correct one. Requirements 1. Kali Linux installed system 2. Victim's Instagram username. 3. A little bit social-engineering. 4. Password list file and proxy list file. (we can download it online) 5. Lot of patience. Step 1 First step is to we have to open terminal in kali linux and get Brutesploit to our system using the following command.   1.  git clone (To get Brutesploit on your machine)   2. cd Brutesploit (change the directory to Brutesploit)   3. chmod +x Brutesploit (To change permission)   4. sudo ./Brutesploit or sudo su ./Brutesploit (To launch Brutesploit) Step 2 You will get the following screen when you write the fourth command in the terminal.   If you get this screen then we are

Hacking a website using SQL injection (Using SQL Map)

In this tutorial we will learn how easy it is to hack a website using SQL map script . 💻 The only required thing to conduct this attack is SQL map script. You can download that from: Before beginning the first thing we have to check is if the website is vulnerable for SQL injection attack or not. Here Google will be our friend. We can search the following in order to get websites to check the vulnerability for attack. inurl:.php?id= We can use .bd to search for bangladesh websites, .pk for Pakisthani websites, .in for Indian websites etc. In this I have taken a .bd website and I received the following outcome. Lets open the first result and after the url put a ' and hit enter. If you get an error the website is vulnerable for SQL injection attack. For this website I got the error. Lets begin the attack and navigate to the folder in which we have the SQL map script. If your script is on the desktop or Downloads you have to change the directory to start.

Social Phish for Hacking Instagram or Facebook Account

 Social Phish for Hacking Instagram or Facebook Account   Here we will see how we can hack Instagram or Facebook account using Social Phish on Kali linux .   Requirments  1. Kali Linux installed system 2. Victim  3. A little bit social-engineering. Step 1 Open terminal on your kali-linux and type the following commands: a). git clone  (To get socialphish on your machine)   b). cd SocialPhish (change the directory to socialphish)   c). chmod +x (To change permission)   d). ./ (To launch the programe)   Once you type in the above mentioned commands you will see this on your screen.   Now we need to choose any option lets say 01 or 02. We can choose any mentioned in the list. Here I will select Instagram and I will mention 01.   Once we select we will get the following 2 options. 1. 2. Ngrok  Now select 02 and press enter and once you type in 02 and press enter it will download Ngrok. It  will provide 2 link