Hacking Instagram using Brutesploit

 Hacking Instagram using Brutesploit  (Brute force attack)

In this tutorial we will see how we can hack an Instagram account using Brutesploit, This will be brute force attack, In simple terms we will try different password and hope we get the correct one.


1. Kali Linux installed system

2. Victim's Instagram username.

3. A little bit social-engineering.

4. Password list file and proxy list file. (we can download it online)

5. Lot of patience.

Step 1

First step is to we have to open terminal in kali linux and get Brutesploit to our system using the following command.

1.  git clone https://github.com/Screetsec/Brutesploit.git

(To get Brutesploit on your machine)

  2. cd Brutesploit

(change the directory to Brutesploit)

  3. chmod +x Brutesploit

(To change permission)

  4. sudo ./Brutesploit or sudo su ./Brutesploit

(To launch Brutesploit)

Step 2

You will get the following screen when you write the fourth command in the terminal.


If you get this screen then we are good to go with the next step and mention the next command. 

Show module.


When you write show modules it will show the module names and the value and now we have to select 0e and write  (list 0e) in commandwill look like following:


Now we have to write use 0e4 to select the fourth option which is bruteforce/instagram/attack

Now this will be selected and you have to write show option for next step. It will show the following:


It will show the information which we are needed to provide in order to start the attack.

It will be 

username                                                                                                                                                                                                               wordlist                                                                                                                                                                                                              proxy                                                                                                                                                                                                                thread         

In this we have to give the victim's username in the user name

Downloaded password file as word list (file name along with the location)

Downloaded proxy list as proxy  (file name along with the location)

Select thread as 4 

Once you have done the following steps we are all set before we check the final time by writing show options which will show the details we have selected.It will look like the following:

 Step 3

Now as we have done all the steps necessary its the time to conduct the attack. Type run and a new window will pop up which will try different password and proxies.

Now our part is done and Brutesploit will do the rest of the work by trying different password from our password file which we added along with the proxies in our p-list file.

This is done because Instagram block the IP if we try from single IP from more than 10 times so we are using proxy list.

Now you have to show your skills of patience and wait. If you have done the necessary research regarding the victim you should  possibly have password in your list which will be applied.


Chance of success of this attack will depend on your password list and proxy list, It is suggested to do detailed research of the victim and add word combination which can be the password of the victim.


This is for educational purpose and should not be done without prior permission of the account holder if you want to show up your skills.

Don't screw up and blame others.


Rest you know better 😈






  1. Dude this is really awesome!!

  2. The way you have explained things is really precise and understandable.

  3. Waiting for further hacking tips!

  4. Great explanation.. keep going!!

  5. ekdm adbhut ✌
    bahut badhiya bhai

  6. Perfectly Explain. Well done

  7. Good tutorial. Try to use a service like hashcat for a more meaningful password dictionary.

  8. Whoa bro!!!Did not know this about you!!!! Although I don't have tech brain, but this explanation was very crystal clear. Great job brother...All the best!!

  9. Nicely explained, easy to understand.

  10. Thanks bro, very helpful!!!!

  11. Katappa... nicely explained...keep it up

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